Most fruit trees will take upwards of 7 to 10 years to produce fruits, and no one wants to wait for a long time to eat fresh fruit grown at home. Instead of waiting so long for a harvest, try growing some of the 10 Fast-growing Fruit Trees below. Some take only 2 to 3 years to set and reward your efforts with fresh fruits. Keep reading to know about them!

No need to own a large garden because most of them are available in dwarf or mini varieties including pears, apples, fig-trees, and mulberry trees. They can grow to about half the size of a regular fruit tree to save your space, even half-wine barrels also work well. They are both easy to take care of and productive in each container and will give you a fresh harvest even in the smallest spaces.
#1 Citrus Fruit Trees
Citrus Fruit Trees are one of the fastest-growing fruit trees and are prolific in their growth, they also grow well indoors. Meyer lemons or Satsuma oranges are two dwarf varieties ideal for containers you can choose to grow. After being planted for about one year, they will reward you with fruits. They grow happily in well-draining, humus-rich soil with full sunlight and wind-protected.
#2 Fig Trees
The Fig Trees are easy to grow and produce a harvest quickly. They do not bloom but you can harvest fruit on the branches. They only take 2 years for fruits to grow and be ready for harvest. They prefer warm weather with full sun. Grow them in well-draining, slightly acidic soil.
#3 Apricot Trees
Apricot Trees have “Early Golden” and “Moorpark” that are fast-growing varieties. They will take 3 to 4 years to produce fruits. They grow better in colder temperatures in full sun. Give them well-draining, enriched with humus soil.
#4 Moringa Trees
Moringa Trees are rich in nutrients, the parts include seed pods, beans, and leaves that can be eaten. These fruit trees prefer warm climates and do well in containers as well. They grow best in full sunlight, well-draining, sandy or loamy, neutral pH level soils.
#5 Mulberry Trees
Mulberry Trees are heavy producers that will yield dozens of cups of berries once established. They grow fast, typically 2.5 feet per year. Although the berries aren’t as juicy and plump as others, they make a delicious jam. They grow well in full sunlight or light shade with well-draining, fertile soil.
#6 Cherry Trees
Cherry Trees have some varieties that quickly produce a harvest. They take 4r years to produce fruits. Some sour cherries produce sooner than sweet cherries, and they take 3 years to harvest. They require full sunlight, well-draining, and slightly acidic to neutral soil.
#7 Pear Trees
Most Pear Tree varieties can take 3 to 4 years to flower and bear fruit. They need full sunlight, loamy, sandy soil.
#8 Peach Trees
Peach Trees are one of the fastest-growing plants that can harvest fruit after being grown for 3 years. They need full sunlight with ample morning sun. Also, give them well-draining, fertile, slightly acidic soil. they don’t like frost or cold temperatures, so it can be troublesome for a peach harvest if your living region has an unusually cold winter
#9 Mandarin Fruit Trees
Mandarin Fruit Trees are easier to grow than traditional oranges or lemons. For a sooner harvest, start with grafted trees that can be harvested in 2 to 3 years because if grown from seeds, they will take about 7 years to see a harvest. Grow them in spots where they get at least 5-6 hours of sunlight per day.
#10 Apple Trees
Apple Trees require cold weather to grow and produce fruit. Also, they need to cross-pollinate with another apple tree to produce fruits. They grow well in full sunlight, well-draining, textured soil with a slightly acidic.