All of us know that plants need sunshine to grow. When it comes to growing vegetables and fruits, most of you will think of a sunshine place. In fact, there are some vegetables that grow well without direct sunlight, that are shade-tolerant. And in the post today, we will share the 10 Vegetables That Can Grow in Partial Sun and Shade. This is a great option for those who want to take advantage of the shady areas of the garden, it means you will have more green space for your garden, they are not bare, or without excitement.
These vegetables absolutely do not need to take care of too much. You just need to give them enough moisture in the soil, nutrient-rich soil, good drainage conditions without being waterlogged. That is all that they need to grow well and give a productive harvest. And you will have fresh and organic vegetables to cook delicious dishes on daily meals. So, if you don’t have a yard that gets full and direct sun, don’t give up, let’s grow some of these shade-tolerant vegetables.
#1 Garlic

Garlic is so easy to grow that you can keep sowing and harvesting consistently. It grows well in under 4 hours of sunlight a day and in shady conditions.
#2 Onions

Like garlic, onions are incredibly easy to grow all time of the year. It also just needs less sun in order to encourage below-ground growth.
#3 Carrots

If you grow carrots in a place that has much sun, your vegetable grows more foliage than root, so limiting sunlight means larger carrots. They do well with under 4 hours of direct sunshine per day.
#4 Cilantro

Cilantro will bolt and turn bitter quickly in hot weather, so if you do plant in summer, give it plenty of shade.
#5 Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard doesn’t like a lot of sunlight. Give it less than 4 hours of direct sunshine per day.
#6 Broccoli

Broccoli just needs partial sun, less than 6 hours of direct sun every day. If you grow it in full sun, your broccoli will rapid flowering, which ruins the taste, while partial sun encourages tighter heads and slower flowering.
#7 Potatoes

Potatoes grow well in both full sun and partial shade. In partial shade may take a little bit longer to mature.
#8 Cauliflower

Like broccoli, cauliflower does well in a partial shade, less than 6 hours a day means tighter heads.
#9 Spinach

Spinach prefers cooler temperatures and just needs less sun about 3-4 hours of sunshine per day because this vegetable tends to become bitter when grown in mid-summer heat.
#10 Radishes

Radishes have a bit the same habit with onion, it prefers shade and sun, about 4-6 hours of sunshine per day.