14 Beautiful Houseplants That Resemble Flower Bouquets

Houseplants not only give green space to your home but there are many types of them that also bring beautiful blooming as flower bouquets. So, if you’re considering adding a plant to your home, you don’t have to stick solely to green vines. These houseplants today are just as easy to maintain as more popular indoor plants like spider plants or pothos.

There is nothing better than enjoying a cup of tea and seeing the look of a bunch of flowers, right? we all know the benefits of having a potted plant or a bouquet of flowers in our home. So, growing them in your living space can instantly switch up the vibes of any home, purify the air by filtering out all the bad stuff, and even add color to your home.

#1 Hydrangea

Source: Flowerstudioshop

Hydrangea comes in pink, white, red, purple, and blue shades depending on the type you grow. Its blooming time is spring to fall.

#2 Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

Source: Bhg

The Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana displays flowers that look beautiful with a bouquet-like appearance. It has dark-green thick waxy leaves and umbels of four-petaled colorful blooms.

#3 African Violets

Source: Apartmenttherapy

African Violets have beautiful dark green, thick, hairy foliage, and violet blooms with yellow centers.

#4 Solenia Dusty Rose Begonia

Source: Gardentags

From mid-spring to mid-fall, the Solenia Dusty Rose Begonia features ruffled rose-colored flowers that pair beautifully with green scalloped-edged leaves.

#5 Coffey Orchid

Source: Balconygardenweb

Coffey Orchid produces glorious pink flowers that have patterned petals, making a perfect specimen that looks more beautiful than a flower bouquet.

#6 Clivia

Source: Whiteflowerfarm

Clivia shows off dark green leathery leaves and bright orange blooms are perfect show stoppers.

#7 Purple Clover

Source: Thegardeningcook

Purple Clover showcases deep purple, triangular leaves that look like fluttering butterflies contrasting white flowers.

#8 Geraniums

Source: Flowerpowerdaily

Geraniums put on red, orange, white, purple, and pink blooms over green leaves.

#9 Cyclamen

Source: Homyden

Cyclamen has attractive colorful blossoms over the green leaves of this houseplant.

#10 Vriesea Bromeliads

Source: Costafarms

Vriesea Bromeliads show off flat, colorful flower bracts with small insignificant flowers.

#11 Wax Plant

Source: Yates

Wax Plant belongs to the vining succulent family that has green smooth, thick, fleshy leaves and bunches of twenty or more star-shaped light pink. Its bloom also scented fill the home make an exhilarating fragrance.

#12 Poinsettia

Source: Dammannsgardenco

Poinsettia brings a festive cheer with its sheer beauty, the velvety deep red bracts over green foliage.

#13 Croton

Source: Apartmenttherapy

Croton offers narrow, long leaves in the shades of green, yellow, and deep purple hues.

#14 Premium Sun Watermelon

Source: Balconygardenweb

Premium Sun Watermelon features pink leaves with cream highlights and lime green margins.

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